Our Mission at Wire Pulse is to infuse intelligence into critical assets.

Easily view and search for any reel you own.

Easily find the optimal reel for every pull.

See in-depth details of each cable installation.

Easily view and search for any reel you own.
Reel Sense by Wire Pulse is a suite of software and sensors that seamlessly integrate into your current cable management process and ERP system creating real-time and historical activity and location tracking of each individual reel of cable in your inventory.
Reel Sense creates real-time and historical usage and location tracking of each individual reel of cable, allowing you to:
Track and trace all cable installations.
Access in-depth data on each installation.
Respond nimbly to recalls.
Always use the optimal reel for the job.
Scrap less cable.
Use up partial reels.
Recoup reel deposits on time.
Digitally detect, measure, and record.
Eliminate measurement errors.
Reduce paperwork and labor hours.

Reel Sense distinguishes you from the competition.
Provide increased value to your customers.
Better predict customer cable requirements.
Recover your steel reels.

See Wire Pulse optimizes your entire cable operation.
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